As you are facing an issue paying with your credit card, we'd be more than happy to set-up your custom order.
Please follow the simple steps for us to place & process your order:
- Email us with exactly what you'd like to purchase. Make sure you give us your color/print selections for starter kits & day packs.
- Clearly state your name, mailing address (street name, city, state, postal/zip code), phone number & email address.
- We will set up your order ourselves and send you a PayPal invoice.
- You can pay the PayPal invoice using your PayPal account or simply pay us through PayPal with your credit card.
- If you don't have a PayPal account, here's how to pay with credit card without making an account:
Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns, we will take care of it all - promise.
Now take a deep breath and calm down looking at this beautiful image: